
Saturday, July 10, 2010


Last night slept at 2am.I thought I could wake up early to my additional mathematics class,but failed.Sorry teacher=) After that I on my facebook,one of my classmate pm me and ask why I dint make to the class.I said I was late that time so absence.He still told me teacher gonna punished to those who absence.I thought it was true before my cousin told me that you lie on me.==' Whatever,I will present on next class.

Woke about 10am,it's kinda late.So decided to cook Spaghetti as my breakfast.My brother not so interest on Western Food,no need me to cook for him.Teehee..I Western Food!!! If you have it everyday,no doubt.You will become a fat girl/guy.So,to those who are diet now,don't try it before you regret.Talk about diet,one of my friend-Miss Wai Ting a.k.a Michelle is diet now.She ate apple everyday during recess and just take a little food as her meals.==' She's slim enough but still wanna diet,don't know what happen to her.Haha..Hey girl,wish you success ya.

Yeah,look at my Spaghetti...I still add cheese hotdog.XD

It's mine.
Camwhore while eating
See,coffee with my mug.So suit is it?
I usual cook by myself on weekend only.Sometimes also will have breakfast at outside if I date my friends.Oh yeah,tonight Germany vs Uruguay right?I'm Germany side.Germany go go go!!! Violet said if I watch she just wanna watch,haha.I'm not sure wanna watch ornot.

Here's our conversation through message:

V:Watch football tonight?
D:No.Germany vs Uruguay rite?I wait for final only
V:Okay lor,If you watch then I watch
D:Support German?Maybe halftime I just wake up to watch
D:See first
V:Shityou.I call you wake up!you set general and vibrate
D:(I was like,huh,lastly promise to her too)Lol,ok la
V:Remember set ya
D: Yala.Diu
End up with rude word.Haha

I'm still having FIFA fever now,can't miss FINAL MATCH~It's like MUST WATCH for me.I'm addicted.So happy when I found out my girlfriends addicted to FIFA WORLDCUP 2010.I won't be crazy alone dy.XD

I like this pic.
[It's too bright because of the light effect.]


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