
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Keep bleeding,keep keep bleeding..

Having biology class in the morning.Teacher suddenly told us we gonna do an experiment.She let us go have our breakfast first before the experiment start.Back to the lab,I just realize we gonna do a blood test experiment.Woo..Sounds great.7 person in a group and start the experiment.

Just like Biology

Record our result for teacher
Firstly,I thought it won't be so pain because it just need one drop of blood.I'm wrong.It's so pain,I was like OUCH!!WTH!!! althought it just need one drop of blood from everybody.The needle was small.After that we gonna mix it with some liqiud then you'll find out what's your blood type.I'm on the blood group O.Don't know it is accurate ornot because I never check before.If you felt disgusting then better quit from my blog now.XD

Here's our group's blood
Just like a game-blood game.
Peace to the camera man
Discussing why my finger still bleeding?
I'm so stupid.I make the second test for myself due to my carelessness.Ouch..Felt like crying.Still pain now.Never try to test for the second time.Stupid.One of my group's member get forced because *** scared.Don't want mention here,if not I sure get kill.Sorry..*** reaction was so funny,we laugh non stop.

Keep bleeding,keep keep bleeding
Ta-daa....choose your favourite colour.
The girls

Our group pic..=)
Thx Fakri help us take this photo

This experiment make me think of Leona Lewis[BLEEDING LOVE]..Red day for today.I'm here thx to teacher Woon because lend us her camera.Teacher,thx much ya.

Oh yeah,everyone waiting for FINAL now.So excited.. SPAIN
I'm waiting too and still gonna wake my friends up.==


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